"To them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off." Isaiah 56

Zimbabwe is a Christian country.
It is time to connect its inhabitants to the foundation of Christianity and the blessing of the Holy Land of the Bible
For years I have received many requests from Christian Zimbabweans seeking to send their personal prayer requests to Jerusalem to be placed in the Holy Places where Jesus lived ministered and prayed, so that they could draw blessing, light, joy and hope into their lives.
Not everyone gets the opportunity to conduct a pilgrimage in Jerusalem, it is the desire of every Christian believer to make a pilgrimage and follow the footsteps of Jesus and experience the Bible up close and in reality.
Being the Consul and Head of Mission of the Republic of Zimbabwe in Israel is a double responsibility. On the one hand there are the diplomatic issues that need to be addressed… but on the other hand there is the spiritual issue that connects millions of Zimbabweans to the Holy Land.
It is my moral duty to connect the people of Zimbabwe to the spiritual lighthouse in Zion, from which the whole world draws its spiritual power.
Israel is not a country like others ... Israel is the land of the Bible, the Holy Land and I want all the citizens of Zimbabwe, from all denominations and positions, from all over Zimbabwe to be connected to the blessing of the Holy Land at all times.
For the first time, we have produced the "Book of Prayer of Zimbabwe, in the Holy City of Jerusalem" in which all Zimbabwean citizens can commemorate their names and the names of their loved ones to be blessed in the Holy Places in the Holy Land.
Once a month we will place the Book on one of the Holy Places in the Holy Land and pray for the success and well-being of all the people commemorated in the Book.

King David wrote in the Book of Psalms 122:
" Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper."
Once a month, together with you, we will pray for the peace of Jerusalem and bring the blessing from Jerusalem to Zimbabwe in general and to the life of each and every one of you in particular.
The registration of names in the Book is free and given with much love to all the people of Zimbabwe.
The monthly prayers will be filmed and broadcast on our Facebook page as well as here on this page.
"May the LORD bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life" Psalm 128
With H.E. Issac Herzog
President of Israel
With H. H. Pope Francis
With H.E. the President of Zimbabwe
Emmerson Mnangagwa Mahama

Prime Minister of Israel
Benjamin Netanyahu
H.B. Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa,
Patriarch of Jerusalem
H.H. Pope Benedict

With Bishop Mutendi
With Prophet Makandiwa
With Archbishop Ezekiel H. Guti

With late Prophet T.B. Joshua
With Prophet Magaya
With H.E. Robert Christopher Ndlovu, Archbishop of Harare

Israel Official Address:
Terra Santa Building, Keren Hayesod St. Jerusalem , Israel
T: + 972. 2.539.8302